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Agnes Isika Blog



The greatest gift you can give to yourself is a peaceful smile. A smile is a happiness you’ll find right under your nose and all colors are the smiles of nature. It’s always good to greet each other with a smile. A smile could initiate a love relationship. A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.

A smile is universally considered to be the way we display joy to others or acceptance. It can communicate our inner world to people on the outside, and it can be a welcoming sign to the people we meet.

I smile, smile, and smile at my mind as often as possible because I believe that smiling will reduce my mind’s tearing tension.

My Papa usually tells me that every time I smile, a very tiny bit of the smile stays stuck to my face and as I get older and older in life, my face starts to show all the tiny bits of all the smiles and it looks like I’m smiling all the time even when I am not and people do tell me that I have a smiling face🤣🤣🤣.

I know you all are eager to know the meaning of S.O.L…… Ok. I’m going to tell you but do you know that your smile can move mountains? Oh yes, a smile is a powerful tool because a smiling face is a beautiful face 🤣🤣🤣.

S.O.L simply means I will Smile Out Loud. No matter what you are going through in life always keep a smile on your face and let your personality be your autograph.

Thank You!!!
One ❤️❤️❤️

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