
600 Israelis Feared Dead, 1000 Injured In Hamas Attack

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Following an extraordinary attack by Hamas militants, over 600 Israelis are now believed to be dead, with many more injured.

According to Israeli media, at least 600 people were murdered and 2,000 were injured in Saturday’s attack.

In addition, Hamas fighters have abducted an unknown number of civilians and soldiers into Gaza.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has released video evidence of a missile strike it claims occurred on a Hamas residence belonging to the terrorist organization’s chief of military intelligence, as well as two banks and aerial weapons production locations in Gaza.

“As of this hour, there are forces fighting in [Kibbutz] Kfar Aza, there are searches in a large number of towns. There are IDF forces in all towns, there is no town that does not have an IDF force in it,” he is quoted as saying in The Times of Israel.

‘Hamas’ horrific attack is a war crime,’ he stressed at a press conference this morning.

“Taking women and children captive violates international law and goes against Islam. Whoever took part will pay the price.

“The war is difficult and challenging days lie ahead. The IDF is strong and will use every bit of its strength and power.”

Tzipi Hotovely, Israel’s ambassador to the United Kingdom, has accused Iran of assisting Hamas before Saturday’s attack.

She told Sunday Morning With Trevor Phillips on Sky News: “Iran is backing up Hamas, Iran is destabilising the region with its proxies.

“We are willing to take a long fighting time to defend our people, we must make sure no one has the motivation to do that again.”

The Israeli military reported that at least 26 Israeli troops were killed in an attack on the country’s south by the Hamas militant group.

And, according to the country’s health ministry, at least 313 Palestinians have been killed and nearly 2,000 have been injured in retaliatory Israeli military action since yesterday.

Among them is British Nathanael Young, from London, who was serving in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) 13th Battalion when he was killed yesterday, according to the IDF.

In a statement posted on social media, his family said: ‘We’re heartbroken to share that our little brother Nathanel Young was tragically killed on the Gaza Border yesterday.’

He is the first verified British victim of the region’s worst bloodshed in decades, which began early Saturday morning with cross-border attacks by Palestinian terrorists.

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