
7 Signs That Indicate You’re Not Drinking Enough Water

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Water is vital for our general health and well-being, as we all know, yet many of us struggle to get enough of it during the day.

I have to admit that I’m one of those folks. Regardless of how busy my day is, I don’t drink at least two litres of water a day which is recommended.

What about you? How often do you drink water?

On the other hand, there are warning indications that you are dehydrating. Here are several indicators that you should be drinking more water.

Dry Mouth

A dry or sticky mouth is one of the initial indicators of dehydration. Saliva keeps our mouths moist when we are properly hydrated. When you don’t drink enough water, your salivary flow is reduced, which makes your mouth feel dry.

Young girl holding glass of water

A severe case of foul breath may result from these dry circumstances in your oral cavity. It is advisable to schedule an appointment with your dentist if you experience dry mouth or excessive thirst, as these symptoms may indicate a more serious issue.

Dizziness and Headaches

Dizziness and frequent headaches are two signs of dehydration. Water promotes healthy blood flow to the brain and helps control blood pressure.

Tired truck driver having a headache after working extra hours

Headaches may arise from constricted blood vessels brought on by dehydration.

The National Headache Foundation (NHF) states that headaches, especially migraines, are frequently indicative of mild to moderate dehydration. The NHF advises you to stick to water only when you have a headache and stay away from sugary or excessively salty sports drinks, which can exacerbate dehydration.

Dry lips and skin

Since your skin is the largest organ in your body, it needs enough water to stay supple and healthy.

You need to drink more water when you notice that your skin feels dry often and does not improve even after using lotion daily. Dehydration can cause chapped lips and dry, flaky skin.

When there is insufficient water in the body to support its processes, moisture loss happens.

Gaining Weight

Dehydration could be the cause of weight gain. According to studies, consuming as little as 500ml (17 ounces) of water can increase your metabolism by up to 30%. In addition to other weight-loss and weight-maintenance advice, many health and wellness professionals suggest drinking more water.

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Dehydration is made worse by fatigue and sleep deprivation. Your sensation of well-being, your capacity for concentration, and your propensity for mishaps can all be adversely impacted by fatigue. It might go away if you drink the recommended amount of water throughout the day.

Fatigue and lack of sleep

Sleep deprivation and fatigue exacerbate dehydration. Fatigue can have a negative impact on your concentration, sense of well-being, and capacity to avoid mishaps. Drinking the appropriate amount of water throughout the day may help to alleviate it.

Tired and exhausted young female

Water is vital for maintaining the balance of bodily fluids, including blood, which delivers oxygen and nutrients to cells. Dehydration can disrupt this process and result in decreased energy levels.

Dark Coloured Urine

Your level of hydration can be easily determined by looking at the color of your pee. Urine may appear darker than usual if you are not drinking enough water. Your urine should be clear or pale yellow when your body is properly hydrated.


Lack of fluid intake and high-fiber diet consumption are common causes of constipation. Make it a habit to sip on water frequently during the day. You should observe an improvement in your restroom habits once you’ve increased your consumption. In the unlikely event that something else is going on, consult your healthcare provider.

Recognize your body’s signals when it seems like you are dehydrated or when you’ve drank enough water. Keep in mind that you are probably already mildly dehydrated if you feel thirsty. Drink a cup or two of water and move slowly if your mouth feels dry.

Go and Get Water!

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