
Actress Ada Ameh Narrates How She Gave Birth At 13 Years

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Nollywood actress Ada Ameh in a recent interview with media personality Chude Jideonwo explained how she gave birth at the tender age of 13 and half.

Ada Ameh revealed that she got pregnant as a teenager because she was exposed to love making by her peers.

The popular actress mentioned that becoming a mother at a tender age changed her life forever as she was exposed to the harsh realities of adulthood before she was prepared for it.

Speaking further, Ameh recounted how she was “marched” out of the barracks where she lived with her parents, when her daughter was just five months old.

The latter part of the session, the comic actress spoke about losing her only daughter, Aladi Godgift in October 2020 at the age of 30.

To be of good quality, you have to excuse yourself from the presence of shallow and callow minded individuals.

Watch her speak about her teenage life and personal experiences below.

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