Monday Perspective

Embrace a positive mindset

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By changing our mindset, we can overcome many of the struggles we face. The Bible encourages us to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5). God has bestowed upon you a spirit of power, love, and a sound mind, rather than one of fear. To overcome negative thought patterns, we are equipped to face our struggles using the tools and armour that God has provided us. These include the shield of faith, the sword of the Spirit (which is the Bible), the power of prayer, and the name of Jesus. By utilising these resources, we are empowered to overcome any evil that we may encounter.

So often, people look at Jesus through the filter of their struggles and conflicts. But Jesus is calling us to look directly at Him. Not to deny that problems exist, but to deny Satan the right to dominate us.

Beloved, You hold great value as a member of the Kingdom of God and have the ability to make progress, even if you are feeling broken or have recently experienced defeat or dysfunction. The Bible teaches that God chooses not only the weak, but also gives them the strength to become strong.

As you progress through the week, you are encouraged to focus on the identity of Jesus and the identity He has conferred upon you. You have been given a fresh chance to approach things from a different perspective and to discover new opportunities. Embrace it!

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