
Feast Of The Archangels

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Dan 7:9-10, 13-14
Jn 1:47-51

Do you believe that Angels do exist?
In his general audience of August 6th, 1986, Pope John Paul II noted that “the modern mentality does not see the importance of angels. Yet in the encounter with the world of angels, man comes to see his own being not only as body but also as spirit”. There are a lot of biblical quotations concerning angels but many today do not make reference to them. By their duty, angels are pure spirits who deliver God’s message. The Hebrew word ‘malak”, used in the Old Testament, signifies more precisely ‘messenger”,and that they have specific functions in their intermediary in the relationships between God and man.

In the Catholic faith there are the nine choir of angels beginning with the lowest to highest ranking; Angels, Archangels, Virtues, Powers, Principalities, Dominions, Thrones, Cherubim and Seraphim. In the Church we celebrate the archangels, Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael who are mentioned in both the Old and New Testaments. Michael’s name means, “Who is like God?” We have a prayer calling on St. Michael for protection. This archangel is best known for his battle with evil, as in the Book of Revelation. (Rev 12:7; Dan. 10:13-20; Jude 9),Gabriel is known as the messenger of the infancy narrative of both Jesus and John the Baptist. It was the angel who announced to Mary that she was going to bear God’s Son. Gabriel’s name means, “God is My Strength” and is known as the Archangel of Wisdom, Revelation, Prophecy, and Visions, the messenger of the Incarnation of the Son of God to the Blessed Virgin Mary (Lk 1:19-26) Raphael’s name means, “Healing Power of God”. We find this Archangel in the book of Tobit. He was sent in an answer to Tobit’s prayers and the prayers of his daughter. In this book of the Old Testament, Raphael is companion, guide, and heals Tobit of his blindness. (Tob. 12:15-20) These are called archangels because they are sent to deliver supreme messages of God in the history of our salvation.

In today’s Gospel reading from John, Nathanael has come to see if what Philip said of Jesus is true. He discovers that Jesus knows exactly who he is and so he proclaims that Jesus is the “Son of God”. Jesus’ response is a reflection of Jacob’s ladder with, “you will see the heaven open and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man”. He also seems to be foretelling what will transpire at his Resurrection.
Angels are spiritual beings who assist God with those tasks on earth and in heaven. In the readings today we read that, “Thousands upon thousands were ministering to him, and myriads upon myriads attended him.”(Dn 7:9 – 10) What a sight that must be! All of those spiritual beings tending to God and doing what God commands.

As I picture it in my mind’s eye it seems as if Heaven is a very busy place. During the Triduum I have pondered what the angels were doing as Christ went through his Passion, death and Resurrection. I can imagine Michael standing ready with an army of angels, waiting for God’s command. Gabriel watching with great sadness and Raphael wanting to heal broken hearts. And then great joy with Christ’s Resurrection and Ascension. And most likely they too understood the plan that God had in mind and tended to Christ on the day of Resurrection and the Ascension.

Every visible thing in this world is put in the charge of an Angel.’- Saint Augustine

The angels in Heaven always see the face of my father who is in Heaven!’ Matt.18:10.

“Be an Angel to someone else whenever you can, as a way of thanking God for the help your Angel has given You. ‘- Eileen Elias Freeman

May the Angels of God continue to lead us in all our ways and may there always be an angel by your side. Amen.

Fr Joseph Osho

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