
Lord, Make Me Know Your Ways

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Tobit 3:1-11,16-17
Mark 12:18-27


In today’s first reading, we see that Tobit is discouraged at the lot that has fallen to him and so he begins a prayer of lamentation to God. At the same time, there is a woman named Sarah who has been married seven times but all of her husbands have died before they came together. She too begins a prayer of sorrow to God and like Tobit, she too prays for death as a freedom from her problems. Their prayers were purified and the Archangel Raphael was sent to them. This is an example of how we should trust in God and pray to Him with confidence. He is the living God who keeps us alive.

On the contrary, we see Jesus being questioned by some Sadducees. We all that Saduccess though knowledgable about scriptures do not believe in spiritual realities. So Jesus answered them by telling them that God is not a God of d dead but of d living. In other words, when we physically die in this life our soul lives on forever. The Sadducees denied this because they had not fully understood the teachings in the scriptures and did not believe in resurrection. Their story of a woman with 7 husbands equally reminds us of Sarah in today’s reading.

We have Christ’s word for life after death and also the promise of eternal life to those who trust in Him and believe in the promises He has made to us. The psalmist invites us to trust in God. “To you I trust, let me not be put to shame.” Again he added; “Your ways, O LORD, make known to me;
teach me your paths, Guide me in your truth, and teach me, for you are God my savior.Do you believe in Jesus’ promise? He wants us to share the Good News of Eternal life with others freely so that all who believe in Him will also be saved.

May the good Lord continue to make known His ways of salvation to us as we bear witness to His love in the world. Amen.

Fr Joseph Osho

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