
Mary, Mother Of The Church 

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Genesis 3:9-15,​20
Psalm 86(87)
John 19:25-34


On November 21, 1964, in an address to the Fathers of the Second Vatican Council, Pope Paul VI solemnly confirmed the title “Mary the Mother of the Church.” Mary is given the title Mother of the Church because she is the Mother of God and Jesus, the Head of the Church.

She cooperated in the work of redemption and became the mother of the redeemed people before her Son gave up his spirit on the Cross.

Jesus said on the Cross, “Son, behold your mother. Mother, behold your son,” and by extension, she became the mother of the mystical body of Christ. After the Ascension of Christ, Mary joined the apostles in the upper room and prayed for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, which happened on Pentecost day.

Pope Francis declared on March 3, 2018, that every Monday after Pentecost, we celebrate Mary, the Mother of the Church, as a way of fostering Marian piety and the maternal sense of the Church. This memorial helps us to learn from the school of Mary and gain merits from her exemplary life at the beginning of the early Church.

Her “Yes” to God encourages us to say yes to God as we journey in life. She is the help of Christians, and through her maternal intercession, we pray that the Holy Spirit continues to guide and protect us as true witnesses to the power of Christ’s Resurrection.

Mary, Mother of the Church and help of Christians, pray for us. Amen.

Do have a great week ahead.

Fr Joseph Osho

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