
Minimum Wage: You Can’t Dictate What To Pay – NLC Tells Govs

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The Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) has responded to the Southern Governors Forum’s proposal that states establish the minimum wage in their respective domains.

The Southern Governors gathered in Abeokuta, Ogun state, this week to discuss the new minimum wage.

In a statement issued following their meeting, the governors urged that each state decide its own minimum wage.

‘’The Forum discussed the minimum wage issues demanded by labour and unanimously agreed that the minimum wage should be reflective of the cost of living and ability to pay, and each State be allowed to negotiate their minimum wage,” the governors said in a communique.

The Nigeria Labour Congress NLC responded to the plan in a statement issued by its Head of Information and Public Affairs, Benson Upah, saying it reeks of authoritarianism.

“This notion is not only dictatorial but also undermines the very essence as well as the model adopted for creating a national minimum wage in Nigeria. But the NLC has faulted the governors’ move, saying it “threatens the welfare of Nigerian workers and the national economy.

“The concept of a national minimum wage is not arbitrary. It represents a national wage floor, a baseline below which no worker in the law should be paid. This threshold is a collective agreement that ensures a minimum standard of living for every worker in the law. The governors’ demand to unilaterally determine the minimum wage negates this principle and threatens the welfare of Nigerian workers and the national economy.

“It is important to remind the governors that the national minimum wage is not synonymous with the individual pay structures of the states which they implement religiously, reflecting their unique financial capabilities and circumstances. This diversity in pay structures underscores the flexibility that already exists within the system, allowing states to reward their workers in alignment with their financial realities.”

“Why is there no hue and cry when political office holders across the nation receive uniform salaries as determined by Revenue Mobilisation, Allocation, and Fiscal Commission?” the statement asked.

“This double standard which piths a few privileged against the majority poor is an issue that should be of concern to those who love this country.” the statement read.

Labour unions, the government, and the business sector have been negotiating a new minimum wage for months. The tripartite committee on the new minimum wage offered N62,000 as the new minimum salary, but organised labour insists on N265,000.

President Bola Tinubu later accepted the committee’s report and promised to pay what the government could afford. He is still engaging with stakeholders before submitting a measure to the National Assembly establishing a new minimum wage.

A Gentle Reminder: Every obstacle is a stepping stone, every morning; a chance to go again, and those little steps take you closer to your dream.

Nnamdi Okoli

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