Family & Relationship

Motherhood: Help, My Child Is Struggling Academically!!! 5

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Hello Great Mothers! We have been talking about what we can do as mothers to support a child who is struggling academically.

Children vary, even in how they approach learning. Some people will need to work harder than others to focus and do well in school. In my earlier articles on this subject, I talked about how parents, mothers, in particular, should be involved in their children’s education to support academic success. We get involved by actually caring about what kids do in school; by asking questions and offering assistance with homework, rather than by nagging or yelling at them when they don’t live up to our expectations. We’ve already talked about four of the possible steps. others are;

1) Give your child incentives
Some parents feel that rewarding their children for doing what they should do is wrong. However, some kids need incentives to complete their schoolwork since they find it boring and aren’t inspired by their teachers’ praise or their grades. Offering a pleasurable activity once all homework is completed could serve as a straightforward motivator. Examples are; Playing a game, going outside with friends, or having time to watch TV are all examples of this.

2) Lower Test Anxiety
When faced with a testing scenario, many individuals experience anxiety, and kids are no different. Your youngster should understand how to approach exams with the best amount of preparation. This entails starting to study far before the test date rather than cramming the night before. Studies have shown that prolonged, repetitive exposure to the material enhances learning and memory. They will be in the proper frame of mind to recall the content and apply it on test day if they give themselves at least a week to study.

Also, ensure your child has a restful night’s sleep the night before the test) exam as this will also aid in optimal performance.

Join me next time for the remaining two methods we can use to help any child Struggling academically.

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