Family & Relationship

Motherhood: Love Your Child, Don’t Spoil Your Child (5)

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Hello Great Mothers!

We must express love and affection to our children. This is because it helps in the healthy development of their brain. The way you respond to your child affects their level of self-confidence, capacity for handling stress, and sense of self-worth.

If you establish a friendly, and caring relationship with your child, they will feel more at ease and secure. This feeling of security is sometimes referred to as bonding or connection. When they feel protected, children are happier, more self-assured, and better able to deal with fury and conflict. Your child will be more likely to be intrigued and start exploring in a safe atmosphere, which will promote healthy growth.

In my previous article, some of the benefits of expressing love to our children were discussed. Some other benefits are;

Helps your child develop an ability To Handle Adversity

When we show our children love, they develop the ability to adapt to difficult situations. Our love gives them the grace to become resilient in the face of challenges. When we discipline and correct our children with love, they are better equipped to develop endurance, self-control, and patience.

Aids their Spiritual Growth:

Naturally, our children desire to be loved. When we tell our children we love them and also show it, they won’t be as desperate to receive love from others outside the family. A genuine Motherly love aids in the formation of a kid’s sense of self as a treasured child of God, one who is competent and responsible.

Our children deserve our love, and so we must not be too busy to show them that we do, through the way we correct, discipline, instruct, or relate with them.

We shall be discussing more of this in my next article.

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