
Nigeria Pledges to Align Efforts with Global Agenda to Eradicate Child Labour, Human Trafficking by 2025

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Minister Onyejeocha acknowledged alarming child labour statistics but expressed optimism in ending it by 2025 through collective efforts in Nigeria.

The federal government has reaffirmed its commitment to eradicating child labour by 2025, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The government also pledged to align its efforts with the globally adopted 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, joining 193 UN member states in a collective commitment to combat modern slavery, human trafficking, and the worst forms of child labour, including the use of child soldiers. 

Minister of State for Labour and Employment, Hon. Nkeiruka Onyejeocha, made the commitment on Thursday at the third National Children’s Conference on the Elimination of Child Labour, held in Abuja.

Onyejeocha appreciated the support of international partners, including the International Labour Organisation (ILO), the Netherlands, and US, in the fight against child labour and forced labour.

She said, despite numerous challenges, Nigeria had made significant progress in addressing child labour, including the ratification of ILO conventions and the establishment of the National Steering Committee on Child Labour.

The minister acknowledged the alarming statistics on child labour and forced labour, but expressed optimism that with collective efforts, Nigeria could achieve its goal of ending child labour by 2025.

She stated, “It is a global menace that has proven to potentially hinder the development of children, leading to a lifelong physical and psychological damage, and keeping the children out-of-school, thereby perpetuating poverty across generations.

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