
Nigerians urged To Help Less Privileged

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The President of Eko Centennial Lions Club, Lukman Olabiyi has called on influential Nigerians to use their influence and affluence to serve and uplift the less privileged in the society.

According to a statement on Monday, Olabiyi made the call when he led members of his club to donate relief materials to inmates of the Lagos State Rehabilitation and Training Centre, in Owutu and Ikorodu.

Olabiyi pleaded with well-meaning Nigerians to invest in programmes that would help humanity.

He said, “Kindness is free, let us give it; it is only when we give that we get more because giving is living. If God has raised our standards of living, let us raise the standards of our giving and uplift the less privileged in the society and this also applies to the three tiers of government.

“Let all wealthy Nigerians come and join the Lions Club International to give back to the society. It is a place to serve the needy wholeheartedly.

“There are so many needy people seeking our help, we should rise up to help. Ours is a commitment to humanitarian services in our communities and we are passionate about the causes of the less privileged and the commoners in our communities.”

An official of the Lagos State Rehabilitation and Training Centre, Arole Olamide, who received the materials on behalf of the inmates, thanked the club for its kind gesture and also sought more support from the organisation.

Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed. 

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