
The Light Of Christ!

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The blood of Jesus set us free; making us innocent children of light.

1 John 1:5-2:2
Matthew 2:13-18

At Christmas, we see that Christ is our light. He is the light of the world that shines through our darkness. The brilliance of colorful lights and candles continue to shine throughout our streets,neighborhoods, homes and churches.

Remembering in today’s liturgy, the tragic deaths of the Holy Innocents who died at the hands of a devious tyrant; we recall the dark day’s many people’s past and present experiences because of rampant corruption and evil. There is so much trouble in the world. There is so much darkness present in our world these days. It seems wars, famine, droughts, homelessness, poverty, racism, and daily violence in our neighborhoods and cities can be close and overwhelming! 

In today’s first reading, we are told that God is light and in him, there is no darkness. Jesus brings light to any darkness we may be experiencing! The opportunity to spend quality time visiting with friends and family near and far, to see the light of Christ, and to know that God is making our lives a little brighter during these days has been a gift to be treasured; hearing the scriptures proclaimed, sharing times of how the light of Christ was present in our lives, and praying for those in need can give people Christmas joy, hope, and promise.

May the light of Christ continue to guide us and dispel the darkness we may encounter and may we share that light with those who walk in darkness unable to see the life-giving light of Christ. Amen

Compliments of the season

Fr Joseph Osho

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