
The Nativity Of Saint John The Baptist

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Isaiah 49:1-6
Psalm 138(139):1-3,13-15
Acts 13:22-26
Luke 1:57-66, 80


Today we celebrate the nativity of John the Baptist, the precursor of the Lamb of God-Our Savior , Jesus Christ. Within the Catholic tradition, we celebrate the birthdays of only three persons: Jesus (Dec 25); Mary, His mother (Sept 8); and John the Baptist (June 24). They are three key figures in the history of salvation. John the Baptist was named and given his mission by God before his birth.

He brought healing and joy to his parents and was a blessing to the house of Israel. He was chosen to be the prophet of the Lord to prepare the way. He was a man of great humility and courage, speaking the truth and eventually dying for the sake of truth. 

Our readings speak about John the Baptist’s unique role, called by God before his birth to do His will. John was the last of the prophets, reminding the people of the covenant and pointing out when they strayed from God’s law.

His mission was planned by God even before he was born. When we contemplate this, we realize that our existence is also in God’s plan even before we were born. God has a plan and a mission for each of us, just as He had for John the Baptist. John fulfilled his mission and prepared the way for the Savior.

How do you see your role as a bearer of the Good News of Jesus? What thoughts and feelings do you have when you realize that you have been called by God from before your birth? What can you do to constantly remind others of the graciousness of God?

In today’s world, we are God’s ambassadors, and our responsibilities are expected to be carried out with great humility and courage, by keeping God’s commandments, speaking the truth, and living out Christ’s love.

May we live out Christ’s mission with love, courage, and humility. May we continue to remain steadfast in our obedience and dedication to God’s commands.

May God give us the grace to live out our calling from Him, which was assigned to us before our birth – to give witness to the Good News and prepare the way for the Lord Jesus to come into our lives and the lives of others. St. John the Baptist, pray for us. Amen. 

Fr Joseph Osho

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