
Watch Out

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Wednesday of week 12 in Ordinary Time 

2 Kings 22:8-13,​23:1-3
Psalm 118(119):33-37,40
Matthew 7:15-20

In today’s gospel, Jesus warns us against false prophets. So, how do we recognize a false prophet, since they are around us like wolves in sheep’s clothing? The Lord says it is by their fruits you will know them. Not everything that glitters is gold. We need to pray for the spirit of discernment and carefully evaluate those who claim to be true Christians.

Someone may seem attractive or have eloquent speech, but their motives could be harmful. When we find it difficult to understand a situation, we need patience to uncover the intentions that lie within, or else we might fall prey to falsehood. So watch out.

Do we approach people with hidden motives just to take advantage of them? Are we wolves in sheep’s clothing? Are we true Christians or ungodly people seeking to harm other members of the flock ? What beliefs do I hold that align me with the wolves and set me apart from the flock of Christ?

Our commitment to living a faith-filled life is not a private matter. We live and work within a diverse society, and the differences among us matter far less than what unites us as the beloved children of God.

These differences should inspire us to be more attentive and to reveal the marvelous facets of God’s love. Let us pray that the Lord grants us his grace so that we can grow into our better selves.

Fr Joseph Osho

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