
Without Faith There Is No Perseverance

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3 JN 5-8
LK 18:1-8

We come from God, we are of God and to him we shall return. We meet God at prayer. This is why our prayer life is very important and must be peddle by constant faith. Faith is what pushes us to persevere in praying, in striving consistently especially when we are in adversity. Without faith there is no perseverance. And with perseverance comes hope, that hope which does not fail us.

In today’s gospel, the poor widow had no material wealth, no political stand and no social security because of the kind of society in which she found herself. She had lost everything but her faith in God which sustained her hope. Her persistency was her jewel. If the persistence of this widow won for her, justice before the unjust and corrupt judge, how much more will our persistence achieve for us results before our God who is ever loving and caring.

When the Lord Jesus returns in glory as Ruler and Judge of the living and the dead. Hence, when the Son of man comes, will He find any faith in you? If we should still have faith when He comes we are saved.

You too your victory is assured in the Lord. He will turn deserts into green lands, and level the mountains for your own sake, only if you can trust Him in prayer. Closeness to the Word of God can help us to begin this voyage. The best time to pray insistently therefore is that moment you always feel tempted to give up and give in. The moment when evil wants to dominate us if we fail to pray unceasingly, we might fail with our own strength. Remember, the battle is the Lord’s and not ours.

Fr Osho

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