Family & Relationship

Linda Ikeji Addresses The Public Regarding Her Son’s Last Name

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Well-known Nigerian blogger Linda Ikeji speaks out about her son adopting her last name rather than his father’s. Recall that a few days after she posted referring to the young man as Jayce Ikeji, rumors circulated among internet users claiming that she had changed her son’s last name to her own.

“Jayce Ikeji and Ryan Kanu take Disney/Marvel Paris. Cousins, best friends, and literally growing up together as brothers. Their love for each other is incredible, and when they can help it, are inseparable! Ryan is literally the best little human ever! They’ve been on a few vacations together in the past, but this is the first one they will remember as they are nearly 6 and 7 now,” she wrote.

Linda Ikeji took to her Instagram page to note that she never changed her son’s name because he had always been an Ikeji right from birth.

Linda wrote … “Just to be clear. I’ve NEVER ever had to change my sons surname. He’s been an Ikeji right from when he was born! Where do I have the time or patience to be changing name? Changing Or keeping his surname (Ikeji) will be up to him when he’s of age. Food for my junior colleagues”

 It takes some one really brave to be a mother, someone strong to raise a child and someone special to love someone more than herself. People should leave her alone and let the boy decide for himself in the future.

Live with Purpose, Love with Passion. Remember to be happy

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Rose Ajieh

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