
Saint Irenaeus, Bishop, Doctor, Martyr

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2 Kings 25:1-12
Psalm 136(137):1-6
Matthew 8:1-4


As I reflect on the readings from 2 Kings that I read yesterday and today, I cannot help but draw parallels with the troubling news of our world today. The accounts of the killing of Zedekiah and his sons, the destruction of Jerusalem, and the persecution of its people resonate with the ongoing conflicts in places like Ukraine, Gaza, and Syria.

Closer to home in Nigeria, stories of terror, kidnapping, shootings, poverty, and homelessness fill the local newspapers and news updates. It’s truly disheartening.

I’m sure I’m not alone in feeling a profound sadness and frustration. As faithful believers in a God of peace and justice, how can we confront evil with goodness, hate with love, apathy with understanding, and unbelief with faith?

As Catholics, we must not let sadness consume us for too long. Instead, we should focus on God and strive to combat sadness with trust, joy, and hope in a God who never fails.

Today’s gospel also reminds us of how we can turn sadness into hope and joy. Jesus saw beyond society’s perception of a leper and recognized his inherent goodness.

How can we bring hope and joy out of the pervasive sadness that surrounds us? If we truly live the good news as Christians, aren’t we called to see the marginalized and vulnerable in our society as Jesus did in today’s gospel?

I believe this is an important reminder for all of us when the weight of the world’s sadness becomes overwhelming. Mother Teresa once said, “We are not called to do big things, just little things with great love.”

The sick deserve our prayers, mercy, and presence. These small acts of kindness can go a long way in bringing healing to them and our troubled world. May God help us in this endeavor.

Fr Joseph Osho

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