Family & Relationship

MOTHERHOOD: Effects Of Bad Parenting On The Child And In society 4

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Hello, Wonderful Mothers! We talked about the effects of good parenting on the child and society in my previous article. We emphasized how we raise our children affects their conduct, which in turn affects how they view the world.

Since we mothers are the ones who spend the most time with our kids, poor or inadequate parenting will have a detrimental effect on how they behave and how they fit into society. Even while we love our kids and just want what’s best for them, our parenting methods could unintentionally instill negative traits in them. This could be a result of how we are raised by our parents, or it may be out of frustration or confusion.

Although most mothers possess both good and bad parenting styles, consistently displaying bad parenting traits can have a negative impact on our children’s lives. The parenting practices we should avoid and how they affect society and our kids are listed below.

Little or no discipline: We must set boundaries for our kids and explain what will happen if they cross them. But when there is little or no discipline, kids behave as they like. As a result, we could end up with kids that are
disrespectful, rude, etc.,
unable to define their relationships, do not understand boundaries, and cannot create limits for themselves.

Strict or harsh discipline: Although it is good to discipline children, we must be flexible and do so in a loving manner. To achieve the desired result, it must be done with love and affection. Discipline without these two essential components will:
i) Make our children think we are wicked, which will cause the child to be stubborn.
ii) instill in our kids the inclination to always exert control over others.
Cause kids to struggle with emotional and behavioral problems, like aggression and obeying authority figures.
Cause kids to grow up with the idea that the world is scary.

Withholding attention or affection from children: Withholding attention or affection from our kids because they misbehave is very detrimental for them. We are teaching our kids that our love is conditional when we ignore them when they do something wrong. As a result of this, they suffer from:
i) Low self-esteem
ii) Lack of self-assurance.
iii) Can result in co-dependency, a condition in which kids learn to feel and act in ways that people want them to. When such people find themselves in abusive relationships, they lack the courage to speak up or leave the situation.

4) Shaming: it entails yelling, calling someone names, or using foul language. Whether it is done in public or privately, it gives the same result. It makes the child have a sense of unworthiness and a fear of failing, which can cause depression or anxiety as well as drug and alcohol addiction.
Bad parenting makes a child more likely to engage in criminal conduct and can lead to psychological problems in kids. Parenting is one of the hardest jobs in the world. This is due to the fact that it is a huge responsibility that calls for tolerance, perseverance, love, compassion, and understanding. We may not be perfect, but with God’s guidance, a lot of patience, and love for our kids, we continue to grow and learn.

People are characterized by their attitudes, therefore by choosing our parenting styles, we can decide what sort of mother we want to be and what kind of adult we want our children to become. The kind of results we hope to see in our kids should motivate us.

Bye for now!
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