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South African Rapper Riky Rick Reportedly Commits Su*cide


South African Rapper Riky Rick Reportedly Commits Su*cide

Popular South African rapper Riky Rick is dead.

According to several reports, the 34-year-old rapper committed suicide on Wednesday, February 23, 2020, at his home.

According to the report, sources disclose that the singer, said he allegedly hung himself with a rope after suffering from severe depression.

He was reportedly rushed to a nearby hospital where he eventually gave up the ghost.

The family spokesperson Sheikani Makhado confirmed his passing but could not divulge any further details;

“The family is still meeting, and we will release a statement in due course. We ask for your understanding.”

In 2020, the rapper opened up about his struggle with depression after his father died.

Until his passing away, he was the founder and owner of the record label Cotton Club Records.

South African Rapper Riky Rick


He rose to stardom in 2015 after the release of his platinum-certified album Family Values.

Riky Rick is survived by his wife Bianca Naidoo and two children.

Every man has his secret sorrows which the world knows not; and often times we call a man cold when he is only sad.

it’s important to remember you’re not alone in your mental health struggle—others feel your pain and care for you.

I know it’s not always easy to express yourself and the moods you’re feeling but sharing your problems with people that are trustworthy will go a long way in helping you heal.

May Riky Rick soul rest in perfect peace.


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