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Man Dead After Confronting His 7-Year-Old Daughter’s Molester


Man Dead After Confronting His 7-Year-Old Daughter’s Molester

Frederick Olorunfemi, the father of a 7-year-old Luyol School student, passed away as he was confronting his daughter’s school bus driver, who she had accused of molestation.

According to the Vanguard, the 7-year-old, who will be eight in May, told her mother that the driver had taken other children to their destinations on February 1st, 2023, before taking her to his house so he could have canal knowledge of her.

After hearing this, Olurunfemi drove to the school with his daughter to confront the driver, which resulted in a fight. As a result, the school bus driver pushed Mr Femi, who fell and was taken to the Osuntuyi Medical Center, where he was later pronounced dead.

Speaking to Vanguard, wife to the deceased Mrs Mabel Olurunfemi, said: “Last Wednesday, my daughter came back from school and told me that after her school bus driver had dropped everyone at their houses, he took her to his house, told her to lift her school uniform and sit on his lap to kiss him, and was calling her his wife.

“Since my husband does not always come home, I waited till his return before informing him all that she had told me.

“When he heard, with anger, he picked up his phone and contacted the school director and explained to him that he would proceed to the police station to report everything, but he was calmed by the proprietor of the school who summoned him to school the next day, which was on the 7th, Tuesday.

“I and my daughter followed him there. At the proprietor’s office, the bus driver who goes by the name of Jacob was also present. Having asked Sarah to narrate all that happened, the proprietor asked the driver why he brought back the school bus late on that fateful day to which he responded that he had to drop something off after dropping the kids.

“Out of anger, my husband slapped him, then he hit my husband on the neck and a fight started right there in the office. As everyone was trying to separate them, my husband was seriously angry holding the driver and this led to a push by the driver. My husband fell and went unconscious. Before we could get to the hospital he passed on.”

The driver has not been apprehended since he is on the run, according to SP Benjamin Hundeyin, spokesman for the Lagos State Police, who was contacted about the incident.

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