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Las Vegas Girl, 12, Commits Suicide Over Bullying At School


Las Vegas Girl, 12, Commits Suicide Over Bullying At School

A 12-year-old Las Vegas girl committed suicide after being bullied at school for months.

Flora Martinez, a sixth-grade student at Keller Middle School, killed herself on May 7th, eight months and one day after her transfer from Duane D. Keller Middle School was approved.

The funeral was held on Thursday, May 16.

Her parents are now accusing the Clark County School District of failing to protect their daughter.

Her mother, Alice Martinez told News8: “I feel like the school had a duty to keep her safe, while she was in their care and they just failed miserably.”

The young girl’s parents reported her classmates began bullying her early in the school year.

Flora’s mother said that she and her child approached the assistant principal for help.

The mother then filed paperwork to transfer her daughter out of middle school, but her request was denied in October.

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Flora’s mother stated that she took her daughter out of school for two weeks early in the school year when the bullying began, but when she returned, it became more intense.

“Everybody that had a hand in that request to transfer her failed her. If you’re a parent and you’re not outraged by this, you’re part of the problem too,” Martinez said.

Flora’s dad Joshua Parker said: “This wasn’t just one incident that happened, and you know, she decided to take her life.

“This was months and months and months of bullying that built up, and finally, she just couldn’t take it anymore.”

The heartbroken father added: “Look how hard it was on my daughter. My daughter was literally bullied to death.”

Flora’s parents characterised her as artistic. Someone who was full of life and empathy, and who enjoyed ice cream and shellfish.

The terrible story comes just days after a 10-year-old child, Sammy Teusch, committed suicide in Indiana on March 5 after being relentlessly bullied at school about his teeth and spectacles.

His parents from Greenfield claimed they complained to his school several times but were disregarded.

His funeral was held on Tuesday, May 14, with hundreds in attendance.

A Gentle Reminder: Every obstacle is a stepping stone, every morning; a chance to go again, and those little steps take you closer to your dream.

Nnamdi Okoli

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