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Gunmen Abduct Catholic Priest In Anambra


Gunmen Abduct Catholic Priest In Anambra

Unidentified gunmen kidnapped Reverend Father Christian Ike, a Catholic priest serving in the state of Anambra on Sunday, June 17.

The gunmen reportedly kidnapped Ike from the Ajali community in the Orumba North Local Government Area of Anambra State, near the intersection of Amagu and Ndiokpaleke.

Locals reported that the priest was being driven away after the attackers double-crossed the car he was travelling in, along with two other individuals, following an early morning Mass at St. Michael Catholic Church.

The command has been informed of the occurrence and has deployed its operational and intelligence resources in the hopes that the man will be rescued unharmed, according to SP Tochukwu Ikenga, the spokesman for the Anambra State police, who confirmed the event.

“Anambra State Police Command received the information of the abduction of Rev Father Christian Ike and has deployed its intelligence and operational assets of the Command for possible rescue unhurt.

“Eyewitness accounts revealed by 10:30 am on 16/6/2024, the priest and two others were returning from St. Micheal Catholic Church Ndiokpaleke where they attended morning service, along Amagu Junction, they were double-crossed by armed men operating in three vehicles, while the other two escaped the scene, the criminals took away the priest and some personal belongings of the occupants in the vehicle.

“To this end, the Command has activated its intelligence and operational assets for possible arrest of the assailants and rescue unhurt of the priest.”

A Gentle Reminder: Every obstacle is a stepping stone, every morning; a chance to go again, and those little steps take you closer to your dream.

Nnamdi Okoli

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