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Actor Segun Arinze Calls On The EFCC To Prosecute Yahaya Bello In Accordance With Due Process


Actor Segun Arinze Calls On The EFCC To Prosecute Yahaya Bello In Accordance With Due Process

The back and forth between the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) and the outgoing governor of Kogi State, Yahaya Bello, has prompted actor Segun Arinze of Nollywood to respond.

The playwright says that the EFCC must make sure that the ex-Governor is prosecuted in accordance with the law.

Bello, his nephew Ali Bello, Dauda Suleiman, and Abdulsalam Hudu are all being prosecuted by the anti-graft agency on a 19-count indictment that involves potential money laundering of up to N80 billion.

In response, Arinze said in a video message posted on Instagram that Bello’s continuing social media trial was needless.

He said, “I have been observing the things that have been going on with the EFCC and Yahaya Bello saga and it has been quite dramatic.

“First, the EFCC came out with a lot of statements on social media and in the news about the bulged arrest of Yahaya Bello and of course, the amount of dollars he paid into his children’s school account. It’s not enough to say the money came from the government but if it’s substantiated, it’s damming.

“I’m not saying Yahaya Bello is innocent or guilty. I don’t even have much details about that. What I’m bother about is social media. If social media haven’t dragged you before, you won’t understand. Too many opinions on social media with all the feeds coming out from the EFCC and generally, it just bring a lot of negativity on both sides.

“What I’m saying is, social media parliament is not the Nigerian judiciary. It can’t make any decision. As I am made to understand, the case is already in court. So my advice is that EFCC should follow due process. Let the law take its course. That’s my personal opinion.”

Justice is served when a guilty man is convicted. We are patiently waiting for the outcome of this case.

Live with Purpose, Love with Passion. Remember to be happy

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Rose Ajieh

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