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Actress Angel Unigwe Is Called Out By Kanayo O. Kanayo, Over Breach Of Contract


Actress Angel Unigwe Is Called Out By Kanayo O. Kanayo, Over Breach Of Contract

In a widely shared video, actor and producer Kanayo O. Kanayo accused teenage actress Angel Unigwe and her mother of breaking their contract.

The seasoned actor vowed to stop any film project including Angel, the rapidly rising actress, in a post on Instagram on Friday.

By removing her daughter off the sets, he asserted that the child’s mother is “fond of botching productions” and that she did not permit her daughter to uphold their agreement during a recent production. KOK, who was clearly upset, expressed his displeasure and annoyance, saying that although he had previously discounted rumors of Angel’s mother’s actions, he had regrettably witnessed them personally.

“I am making this video to protect the entertainment industry in Nigeria. A particular woman has been holding producers to ransoms and it is unfortunate it has happened to me. Unfortunately, she is Angel Unigwe’s mother,” the actor said.

“A contract is breached by every producer, orally or written and it’s all respected but I found out that immediately this woman takes money from you, everything changes. She took her daughter at 9 pm when the particular date that we agreed hadn’t expired. She came at 9 pm and took her daughter.

“I have gotten reports from people before it happened to me. This is a Clarion call to producers, I beg you in the name of professionalism, from this moment to the first day of July 2024 any set that employs the services of Angel Unigwe, I will come to that set and make sure filming doesn’t hold. Her mother has been threatening many producers.”

Kanayo’s claim cannot be independently verified while the actress has not commented on the matter as of now.

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