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Adeboye urges Buhari to gazette court decision designating terrorists as bandits

Adeboye urges Buhari to gazette court decision designating terrorists as bandits

The General Overseer of The Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), Pastor Enoch Adeboye, has urged President Muhammadu Buhari to sign a gazzete designating bandits as terrorists for the sake of peace in the country.

The who made the appeal to the President in a statement issued by his Special Assistant on Admin, Pastor Johnson Odesola, on Monday, noted that Nigerians have been traumatized enough and “cannot freely move in their own country for the fear of bandits and kidnappers, among others, that have drawn international sympathy.”

“The President is yet to openly declare bandits making life uncomfortable for Nigerians as terrorists.

“The declaration should not be restricted to just announcement alone, but should also be gazetted.

“As long as the President refuses to do that, bandits would continue to perpetrate their nefarious activities, not minding whose ox is gored,” Adeboye said.

He advised Buhari to do more on security by “curbing the activities of the hoodlums and demanding accountability and regular updates from the service chiefs on insecurity in the country.”

“The President should also ensure that his administration remains very sensitive and proactive to security reports,” he added.

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