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Advice From Sunmbo Adeoye To Single Parents Who Are Considering Marriage

Family & Relationship

Advice From Sunmbo Adeoye To Single Parents Who Are Considering Marriage

Theologian Adesunmbo Adeoye has counseled single parents to look for spouses who will act as role models for their kids.

Married to Pastor David Adeoye, Sunmbo has two boys with musician 2face Idibia. Sunmbo cautioned single parents about selecting the wrong mate.

She published a social media post with her suggestions.

She wrote, ‘’When Jochebed, the mother of Moses gave her son away on that faithful day, in a bassinet inside a lonely river, she didn’t know what was to come but God knew. He knew Moses needed a princess mentor for the great task ahead and He made the connection happen.

“The same way, He knows your very present need today and He is willing and able to help you if you will let go and let God.

 “Dear single parent, don’t be too bothered about the one that will be a parent, friend, and mentor to your kids. God who knows the end from the very beginning already has a SUPERNATURAL arrangement planned out and He will send THE ONE in due season.

“Don’t try to figure it out with your natural mind and calculations. He knows what they need for the task ahead and He will supply.

“Trust GOD absolutely and let Him be the one in charge of your marital destiny.

“Like God gave my boys a greatness mentor, God will surely answer your prayers over your kids too.


“My prayer for you is that, in your efforts to get it right, You will not miss- marry in Jesus name.

“Please let God lead you. It is in Him, you live, you move and have your being.

“Once it’s time, please open up your heart to love again. A new life is possible and if it is in God, it will be greater than and not equal to your past.’’

I sincerely feel people need to work hard to make their marriage a happy one. Marriage is something to cherish and is something to hold on to. It is also an adventure filled with new and exciting experiences.

Live with Purpose, Love with Passion. Remember to be happy

One ❤️❤️❤️

Rose Ajieh

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