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Amidst Claims From Gabon, Zack Orji Says He Is A Proud Nigerian


Amidst Claims From Gabon, Zack Orji Says He Is A Proud Nigerian

Veteran Nollywood actor Zack Orji has refuted rumors that, during an appearance as a guest on a podcast that went viral on Monday, he claimed to be from Gabon.

The seasoned actor revealed that he is a citizen of Gabon, a country in Central Africa, citing his birthplace.

Zack said in the video; “By reason of my work I travel to different countries, and by reason of my father’s work he also traveled to different countries, he had a knowledge of in one of his travels, I was born in Gabon. As God would have it, I have gone back to Gabon to direct a film.”

However, the actor has now come out to issue a strong disclaimer, affirming his Nigerian heritage and refuting his Gabonese nationality.

Orji told The Punch; “Not long ago, they said I was dead, and, by God’s grace and mercy, it eventually turned out to be a lie from the pit of hell.

Now, another lie from the pit of hell has emerged, claiming that I said, “I’m from Gabon, I’m not a Nigerian. I hereby issue a disclaimer dissociating myself from that lie.

I am a full-blooded Nigerian, both of my parents are Nigerians. I am from Enugu State, the Coal City State. I am proudly Nigerian, and I am equally proud of my Nigerian heritage. God almighty will deal with whoever originated that lie as he dims fit.”

There is no country in the world with the diversity, confidence and talent and black pride like Nigeria. I love my country.

Live with Purpose, Love with Passion. Remember to be happy

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Rose Ajieh

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