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Banky W Undergoes Fourth Surgery For Skin Cancer


Banky W Undergoes Fourth Surgery For Skin Cancer

Bankole Wellington, often known as Banky W, is a well-known Nigerian artist who has undergone four surgeries for skin cancer.

The popular song “Made For You” singer Banky W, who has been fighting skin cancer for nearly 20 years, visited his verified Instagram profile to notify fans of the latest developments.

The pastor Banky W talks about his emotional hospital stay before and after surgery for skin cancer, as well as what happened to him once he got back home and started working out.

In the video, Adesua Etomi is seen giving her steadfast support through hospital stays. Additionally, he expressed his gratitude to doctors, friends, family, actress Jemima Osunde, Tunde Demuren and family for their love and prayers.

Banky W wrote; “Final Score –
Christ 4 – Cancer Tumors 0

Sometimes, your faith in God will not prevent the storms from coming… but it will carry you through them. Faith won’t always stop you from hurting, but it will help you heal, and it will help you deal.

God never said the weapons wouldn’t form, He promised that they wouldn’t prosper. He never said the enemy wouldn’t come… He promised that when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of God would raise a standard against him.

Posting this testimony to encourage anyone out there who is going through a challenge. It might seem bigger than you, but greater is He that is in you than anything you will face in this world.

Grateful for my wife, family, friends, and Pastors for their love, prayers, and support. Thanking God for my health and trusting that this latest victory is final in Jesus’ name.

Appreciating the gifted hands and minds of my doctors, Dr. Onyewu of the Center for Advanced Specialty Surgery, and Dr. Adenuga of Euracare and the teams that support them.

We have the victory yet again. Now and forever, in Jesus’ name.

“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” – Romans 8:28.”

We all are sending you wishes for your fast recovery and good health. We all are on your side. Get well soon!

Live with Purpose, Love with Passion. Remember to be happy

One ❤️❤️❤️

Rose Ajieh

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