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Boy Sentenced To 14 Years Imprisonment For Raping Student


Boy Sentenced To 14 Years Imprisonment For Raping Student

An Ondo State High Court in Akure convicted a 17-year-old boy, Jibola Fakologbon, to 14 years in prison for attacking and raping an Ero College of Education student.

Fakologbon, who committed the alleged act, was charged in December 2021 with two counts of assault and rape, which violated Sections 60 and 358 of Ondo State’s Criminal Code of 2016.

Justice Yemi Fasanmi delivered the judgement on Wednesday, May 22, 2024, stating that the exhibit before the court demonstrated that Fakologbon did the act and found him guilty of the offence.

The Judge determined that the prosecution was able to prove its case of indecent assault and rape against the prisoner beyond a reasonable doubt and that all of the evidence presented in court supported the victim’s claims.

The Prosecuting Counsel, D.G. Kayode, told the court that on March 11, at around 5 p.m. at Ero via Igbara-Oke, the convict indecently assaulted a lady (name withheld), a student of Ero College of Education, by groping her breast and causing bodily damage.

He said that the defendant engaged in illicit sexual intercourse with the victim without her agreement at the same location and time, and that the conduct violated Sections 60 and 358 of the Ondo State Criminal Code of 2016.

During the trial, the prosecution called three witnesses and presented six exhibits, including the defendant’s and victim’s extrajudicial statements, the victim’s torn pants and a medical report, while the convict testified as a lone witness.

While testifying, the victim stated that she was on her way to her house on the day of the incident when the defendant approached her and wanted money for food, which she refused.

“I did not know the boy. He waylaid me on my way to my house and asked for N100. l refused to give him and immediately he tried to forcefully touch my breast,” the victim narrated.

“While struggling with him, he hit me with a stick on the head and I was unconscious. He carried me with my bag to an uncompleted building, tore my underwear, and had sexual intercourse with me.

“While trying to shout at the top of my voice, he covered my mouth and left my stomach and vaginal wounded.”

Justice Fasanmi delivered the judgement, expressing satisfaction that the victim’s allegation that Fakologbon assaulted her and had sexual intercourse with her was supported by medical records and another exhibit presented to the court.

“There is ample evidence before the court that the defendant forcefully touched the victim’s breast and that she was sexually penetrated by the convict,” the judge said.

“The evidence is believable, unassailable, and credible that the victim tried to resist the convict rigorously.”

The Judge stated that the defendant also confessed to touching, physically assaulting, and tearing the victim’s pants.

“It is considered an abomination and not accepted in any community in Nigeria for a man to forcefully touch the breast of a woman.

“The fact that the convict confirmed that he refused to rape the victim when he noticed the wound on her belly and exhibit 6 (medical report) which shows that the vulva of the victim in examination sustained injury, copiously corroborated that the victim was raped.

“The court found Fakologbon guilty of both crimes,” the judge held.

Fasanmi sentenced the defendant to two years imprisonment for indecent assault and 12 years for rape.

“A total of 14 years imprisonment shall commence from the convict’s first day in custody. The sentences shall run concurrently,” he concluded.

A Gentle Reminder: Every obstacle is a stepping stone, every morning; a chance to go again, and those little steps take you closer to your dream.

Nnamdi Okoli

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