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Buhari: I’m Happy That A Lot Of Nigerians Are Returning To Their Farms


Buhari: I’m Happy That A Lot Of Nigerians Are Returning To Their Farms

Former President Muhammadu Buhari has expressed regret about the nation’s unchecked population expansion, stating that the state of affairs has reached alarming proportions.

Despite the current state of affairs, the former President expressed his satisfaction that more Nigerians are turning to farming as a means of reducing food costs in their nation.

Speaking to reporters just after participating in Sunday’s Eid prayer at the township Eid ground alongside Dr. Faruk Umar Faruk, the Emir of Daura, the former president stated that there was a “need for greater discussion and awareness about this problem, (uncontrolled population growth) as well as a need to invest more in education and health.

Buhari also used the occasion to make an appeal to all citizens to make Nigeria Self-reliant. “Let us grow our own food. We have shown that we can do it. This is not the time to relent when we see prices going up. Let us buy what is produced in the country.

“The foundation of a prosperous and stable country has been laid by successive governments, and I encourage our youth, in particular, to continue to play an active role in various nation-building efforts.”

The former President also charged the youth of the country to seek the knowledge about “the founding fathers of the nation, the important personalities of their regions, and derive inspiration from them.”

He also noted that, “considering the situation in the country, and in the spirit of the Sallah, let us help one another and be our brothers’s keepers. I wish everyone a happy Sallah.”

Agriculture is our wisest pursuit, because it will in the end contribute most to real wealth, good morals and happiness.

Live with Purpose, Love with Passion. Remember to be happy

One ❤️❤️❤️

Rose Ajieh

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