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Dalung Criticizes For Telling Nigerians To Continue Sacrificing


Dalung Criticizes For Telling Nigerians To Continue Sacrificing

Solomon Dalung, a former minister of sports, has criticised the president for requesting that Nigerians give up their lives for their nation.

Speaking to reporters on Sunday, June 16, following the Eid prayers in Lagos, President Tinubu urged Nigerians to practise greater neighbourliness and generosity towards everyone in the spirit of Eid-el-Kabir.

To advance the country, he says, some degree of sacrifice will be necessary.

“We have been told by the Chief Imam how we can follow the path of sacrifice. The sacrifice required of a good citizen. Citizenship comes with responsibilities. As citizens, what do we need to do to be committed members of our society? Yes, that is sacrifice; loving your country. Loving your neighbours. Sharing what you have with each other. And to always be thankful to Almighty God.”

In response to the President’s remark, Dalung stated that the President and his government should make the first sacrifice in a post published on X today, June 17.

He wrote; ‘’I listened to @officialABAT calling on Nigerians again to sacrifice, love, and believe in the country. Could this be a mockery of the suffering of the masses, or did he genuinely believe in what he was saying? If President Tinubu is sincere about what he’s saying, then it’s confirmation that his government is under siege by the notorious cabal.

“The president’s body language betrayed him completely from the social reality. He is in his world distinct from the hardships confronting Nigerians. From my analysis of the speech, Nigeria is on autopilot dangerous navigating turbulence.

“Does President Tinubu know that Nigerians are suffering? Certainly not, his reckless economic policies, wasteful expenditures, plundering of resources, insensitivity to the plights of citizens, boastful and egoistic squandering of goodwill, and adoption of corruption and nepotism as state policies are the characteristics of this ignoble regime. Sacrifice should begin with @officialABAT and his jumbo-size government, then Nigerians can take him seriously, but for now, it’s mere rhetorics and propaganda.”

A Gentle Reminder: Every obstacle is a stepping stone, every morning; a chance to go again, and those little steps take you closer to your dream.

Nnamdi Okoli

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