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Dapo Abiodun, Charles Soludo Elected Chairman, Vice Chairman Of Southern Governors’ Forum


Dapo Abiodun, Charles Soludo Elected Chairman, Vice Chairman Of Southern Governors’ Forum

Dapo Abiodun and Charles Soludo have been chosen to lead the Southern Governors’ Forum as Chairman and Vice Chairman.

Ogun State Governor, Mr. Dapo Abiodun, on Monday, emerged Chairman of the Southern Governors’ Forum.

Also, Governor of Anambra State, Prof. Charles Soludo, emerged as the Vice Chairman.

The emergence of the Abiodun and Soludo, was  part of the decision reached at the end of the meeting of the Southern Governors’ Forum, held at the Presidential Lodge, Abeokuta.

Lagos State Governor, Babajide Sanwoolu, announced the emergence of Abiodun and Soludo.

Sixteen out of the 17 governors that constituted the Southern Governors Forum attended the meeting with only Rivers State Governor, Similayi Fubara, absent at the meeting.

While some governors were physically present at the meeting, some were represented by their deputies.

The governors that attended the meeting included Sanwoolu (Lagos), Abiodun (Ogun), Seyi Makinde (Oyo), Biodun Oyebanji (Ekiti), Alex Otti (Abia), Godwin Obaseki (Edo), Ademola Adeleke (Osun), Bassey Otu (Cross River).

Other governors in attendance, were Soludo (Anambra), Francis Nwifuru (Ebonyi),

Peter Mbah (Enugu), Duoye Diri (Bayelsa) and Uno Eno (Akwa Ibom).

Also on ground to represent their governors were Deputy Governors, Chinyere Ekomaru (Imo), Monday Onyeme (Delta) and Olayide Adelami (Ondo).

Speaking with journalists at the end of the meeting, Abiodun commended his colleagues for electing him as Chairman of the forum.

He said, “It is indeed an honour and a humble one at that, that I have been nominated to lead the Southern Governors’ Forum, alongside with Prof. Charles Soludo, the Governor of Anambra State as the Vice Chairman of this forum.

“I first want to thank all the Governors, the 17 Governors for coming to Abeokuta today for this meeting, the first meeting after about three years. It underscores the commitment and the determination to ensure that the Southern States occupy by their pride of place.

“I also want to thank them for this confidence so reposed in myself and Professor Soludo and pledged that we will ensure that this confidence is justified.

“We have discussed a whole ranging number of issues but because of time constraints, myself and Governor Soludo will make available to you pressmen the details of our communique that reflects our aspirations, our determination and the new and repositioned Southern Governors’ Forum.”

James Sowole

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