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DJ Shot Dead As Armed Robbers Attack Abuja Hotel


DJ Shot Dead As Armed Robbers Attack Abuja Hotel

A gang of armed robbers stormed a hotel in the Gwarinpa region of the Federal Capital Territory, killing a dj named Bashiru Dauda.

Robbers assaulted the hotel’s nightclub early on Saturday, June 15, 2025.

It was also discovered that some guests had the traumatic experience of being robbed of their possessions and personal things.

A resident of the region who witnessed the incident, known only as Sani, stated that the act had sparked terror in the area, as armed robberies have grown commonplace.

“In the early hours of Saturday, some armed robbers attacked the Volcano Hotel at Gwarinpa. They robbed some guests in the hotel and took away their belongings. The money and phones of the guests were stolen,” the resident said.

“A DJ was shot. He died at the hospital in Jabi. We have been experiencing a series of armed robbery incidents in Gwarinpa recently, and this particular one has heightened fears among residents.”

When the Food Consumption Test (FCT) Police Command’s spokesperson, SP Josephine Adeh, verified the event on Sunday, she stated that Dauda was on the floor when the police arrived on the site as soon as they received a distress call.

According to the PPRO, the person was taken by the police to Jabi Hospital and later declared deceased.

DJ killed as armed robbers attack Abuja hotel.

“On 15/06/2024 at about 05:07 am a distress call was received by the FCT Police Command that a robbery incident had taken place at Volcano Peak Court Hotel, 4th Avenue around 03:35 am,” the statement read.

“Operatives from the Gwarimpa Police Division immediately deployed to the scene, secured the premises, and discovered that one Bashir Dauda had been shot by the attackers.

“The victim was quickly rushed to Federal Medical Centre, Jabi, where doctors on duty confirmed him dead. The corpse was released on the request of the family to be buried according to Islamic rites.”

“Investigation is still ongoing in a bid to apprehend the culprits while further developments will be communicated in due course.

“The FCT Police Command advises residents to always be conscious of their surroundings, when you notice suspicious activities, call the police immediately and we will respond swiftly. Again the FCT Police emergency numbers are :0803 200 3913, 0806 158 1938.”

A Gentle Reminder: Every obstacle is a stepping stone, every morning; a chance to go again, and those little steps take you closer to your dream.

Nnamdi Okoli

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