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Don’t allow heroes of democracy to die in penury, former Reps beg Tinubu


Don’t allow heroes of democracy to die in penury, former Reps beg Tinubu

Members of the House of Representatives in the Third Republic have appealed to President Bola Tinubu not to allow heroes of democracy in the country to die in penury.

The former lawmakers made the appeal in a statement signed by their spokespersons, Mr John Fasogbon, on Wednesday in Osogbo.

Fasogbon asserted that the mother of the present democratic dispensation in Nigeria is the Third Republic, led by the late MKO Abiola.

He lamented that the actors in the struggle for the full-fledged democracy, currently enjoyed in the country, were wallowing in abject poverty.

“We, members of the House of Representatives in the Third Republic, contested and won our elections, which were adjudged as the most free and fair in the history of the country.

“Unfortunately, after we were sworn in, we were sacked by the Military junta without any benefits.

“Today, June 12, is being celebrated with the heroes of democracy dying in anguish and penury

“Many of us have died without any benefits, while those of us alive are living in poverty.

“In the spirit of national reconciliation, we appeal to the president to assist us in the payment of our entitlements between 1992-1993, when we are at Federal House of Representatives,” he said.

Fasogbon appealed to the president to honour the former lawmakers in the same way his predecessor, Muhammadu Buhari, honoured Chief MKO Abiola and his running mate, Baba Gana Kingibe.

The former Ife Federal Central Constituency lawmaker congratulated the President and Nigerians on the celebration of 25 years of uninterrupted democracy.


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