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I Almost Cancelled Music For Lecturing—Fuji Star, Ayuba Says


I Almost Cancelled Music For Lecturing—Fuji Star, Ayuba Says

Adewale Ayuba, a well-known artist from Fuji, has said that he accepted Jesus Christ because He said, “I am the truth, the way, and the life.”

Additionally, he talked about how he moved to America, almost gave up on music, and got US citizenship.

Ayuba revealed that he and a band member had traveled to America for their three-month summer performance in 1995, but were unable to return to Nigeria because of threats from the late military head of state, Sani Abacha, during a Tuesday conversation with Teju Babyface in which he discussed his work, religion, and marriage.

“I left for America with my full band members in 1995 for a summer show and others. We came to America for about three months and then returned to Nigeria.

“I returned to Nigeria in 1998 when Abacha died. The three years I stayed in America were by the grace of God because he is a good planner.

“When I was in America, I realised that I could only perform shows on weekends. My Mondays to Fridays were free. So, I enrolled in school. That was where I met my wife.

“After that, I took part in a lot of activities. Doing so was like building another foundation in America. That was not easy. From there, I completed my documentation and became an American citizen.

“I don’t see myself continuing in Fuji music, I believe I have done well. This is America, there’s more to explore in life, trusting that God has a plan,”
 he said.

Speaking about his decision to convert from Islam to Christianity, Ayuba revealed that his decision was because he wanted “to be closer to God more than anything” but didn’t understand Arabic and was unable to pray in the language.

He explained that he prefers to worship where he “feels closest to God”, and that his choice of becoming a Christian “brings me happiness”.

“People claim Ayuba is a Muslim. Have they seen me in the mosque? If I were practising Islam, wouldn’t someone have noticed,” he said.

“Why is this an issue? Can they let me be? They say I should pray five times daily, but I’m not. My mother is an Alhaja, and although my father never went to Mecca, we practice Islam at home.

“So, my name is Ayub, which is Job in the Bible. It’s not that being a Muslim is good or bad. When I was practising Islam, I had to call some Chief Imams and Alfas to help me talk to God because I didn’t understand Arabic.

“I then asked myself, am I going to continue this, despite all that God has done for me, needing others to intercede on my behalf?

“There isn’t an album of mine where I haven’t referenced Muslim words. We all worship God. To me, religion is akin to education.
“I chose Jesus Christ because he proclaimed, ‘I am the truth, the way, and the life’. This is my personal choice, and it brings me happiness.

“Many of my band members are Muslims, and we pray together. I was unable to attend Arabic school due to my profession. I prefer to worship where I feel closest to my God.”

On his music career, Ayuba who said his parent were not favourably disposed to him going into music and entertainment, explained that he opted for Fuji music because the cost to acquire the instruments was invariably low compared to other kinds of music.

He said, “My parents didn’t want me to go close to entertainment talk less of singing because they believed once you’re doing this kind of thing, you would not be a good child anymore, you would be smoking, drinking and all atrocities. They come with that kind of business and I know that I have the talent.

“To acquire the instrument is just like peanuts, all you need is local drums, you don’t need a keyboard or guitar, so it’s easier to go into that kind of music. My parents were not ready to send me to music school. That was the reason I went into Fuji music.”

Asked if truly he almost lost interest in Fuji music, Ayuba confirmed, saying, “True, true true, particularly the kind of genre that I met myself singing Fuji. I’ve started developing a kind of interest in my education. From day one, if anybody asked me what would I wanted to become in life, I would love to become a lecturer or teacher. I can’t lie to you.

“I was thinking if I finished my bachelor’s degree, I would go for my master, and P.hD to be a lecturer. I don’t want the level of being a Fuji musician, I believe I’ve done well, and I’m OK, this is America, let me choose another line.”

Speaking of his dedication to marriage, Ayuba said he met his wife in America and remained committed to his union because he feared God and would live by His rule.

“Marriage is ordained by God and once you’ve decided to go into it, you obey the rules; the rules that come from God. They say, ‘The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom’, so if I do anything contrary to the rules of marriage, it will affect my career and everything. I’m not going to offend my wife, I’m not going to offend my God, that is it,”
 he said.

I feel Muslims and Christians all have a different source of authority but the fact still remains that we worship one God .

Live with Purpose, Love with Passion. Remember to be happy

One ❤️❤️❤️

Rose Ajieh

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