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JAMB Registration Is Now Required For Anyone Applying To NOUN

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JAMB Registration Is Now Required For Anyone Applying To NOUN

According to The PUNCH, applicants to the Nigerian Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) and other open distance learning institutions must now register with the Joint Admissions and Matriculations Board to be considered for admission.

It is also required of the candidates to register using their individual NID numbers. Our correspondent discovered that this step was intended to neutralize illicit activity. The Board pledged to make the registration procedure as easy as feasible in a statement issued by JAMB and provided to our correspondent in Abuja.

The advise states, “As part of actions to stop the evil deeds of people who are planning to tamper with candidate data through shady registration channels and following its enabling act, JAMB has mandated that all applicants desirous of studying in Nigerian tertiary institutions must provide their NIN while registering for any program of study in any tertiary institutions in Nigeria irrespective of whether the mode of study is regular and non-regular.

“Consequently, it has now become mandatory for all prospective candidates in the non-regular category (NOUN, Distance Learning, Part-time, and Sandwich programmes) to create a profile code, before registering with JAMB, by sending their NIN, through their unique phone number to either of the Board’s sort code (55019 or 66019).

“JAMB, as a responsive organization, will continue to make the registration process as flexible as possible by making its platform available throughout the year. It is, therefore, expected that candidates, who fall under this category, will apply through JAMB before approaching their preferred institutions to process their admission with their respective JAMB registration numbers. They would also be expected to pay their preferred institution a processing fee as determined by respective institutions.”

Similarly, the advisory noted that all previous candidates in the non-regular programs, who had not integrated their NIN or unique phone number on the Board’s platform, would have to create a profile using their respective NINs to access any of the services of the Board.

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