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Late 15yrs Old Carlo Acutis Set To Be Named First Millennial Saint By Pope Francis


Late 15yrs Old Carlo Acutis Set To Be Named First Millennial Saint By Pope Francis

A London-born teenager; Carlo Acutis who has been referred to as “God’s influencer”, is set to become the first millennial saint in the Catholic Church.

The late teenager, who moved with his family to Milan in Italy when he was a child, died of leukaemia in 2006 at the age of 15. He is known as the patron saint of the internet for using his computer skills to spread the Catholic faith.

He was born in London and raised in Milan, where he managed his parish’s website and then a Vatican-based academy. He also used his computer talents to compile an online database of Eucharistic miracles throughout the world.

According to a Vatican statement, Pope Francis has formally recognized a second miracle attributed to Carlo Acutis during a meeting with the head of the Vatican’s saint-making department, Cardinal Marcello Semararo.

In 2020, the teenager was beatified, which is the first step toward sainthood, after one miracle was ascribed to him. In that miracle, Acutis Carlo is credited with curing a Brazilian boy; Mattheus Vianna, of a congenital ailment affecting his pancreas after the child reportedly touched one of Carlo’s shirts.

Pope Francis has officially validated a second miracle ascribed to Carlo Acutis. According to a Vatican statement made on Thursday, the miracle being recognized involves a Costa Rican woman named Liliana, whose daughter Valeria Valverde, 21, suffered severe brain injuries in a cycling accident in Florence on July 2, 2022.

Valeria underwent crucial surgery, according to the Vatican, and her physicians said she had slim chances of survival. Liliana reportedly prayed at Carlo Acutis’ tomb in Assisi on July 8, while her secretary had already begun to pray to him. According to the Vatican, Valeria began to breathe on her own that day and regained some movement and speech the next day.

A CAT scan on July 18 revealed that the haemorrhage had disappeared, and she began rehabilitation on August 11, making rapid progress.

Carlo was the light solution to the dark side of the web,” his mother Antonia Acutis told The New York Times in 2020, after he was beatified and placed on the route to sainthood by the Catholic Church.

Ms Acutis stated that he started attending mass every day when he was seven years old. Her son’s life, she stated, “can be used to show how the internet can be used for good, to spread good things”.

The National Catholic Register reported in 2017 that only 120 of the Roman Catholic Church’s more than 10,000 saints died as youths or teenagers.

The Vatican has yet to set a date for the formal canonization event.

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