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Man Kills His Wife Due To A Suspected Adulterous Affair


Man Kills His Wife Due To A Suspected Adulterous Affair

Concerned that Etim Mary, a 55-year-old wife, was having an adulterous affair, Matthew James killed her, shocking the residents of Idekan Farm Settlement in the Ijebu-Ode area of Ogun State.

The incident happened on Sunday about 8:00 p.m. According to multiple community and law enforcement sources that our correspondent contacted, the suspect who is currently being held by the police performed the crime because he believed his late wife was having an adulterous affair with a different man in the neighborhood.

The suspect had been taken into custody by police officers from the Ijebu-Igbo Division, according to an eyewitness who asked to remain anonymous because of the delicate nature of the situation.

The source said, “They had a blood covenant that they would not leave each other. He suspected the wife was having an extramarital affair. The woman had been married before she met James. He married her when the woman was already ageing. She had grown up with children before James married her.

“James is claiming they both had a blood covenant not to leave each other for any reason. He just returned one morning with a machete and hacked the woman to death. He didn’t run away after committing the crime. He just stood beside her after.”

The spokesperson for the state police command, Omolola Odutola, commenting on Monday’s shocking incident, stated that the wife was pronounced dead by the attending doctor after being rushed to the hospital by other residents.

She said, “She was found lying in the pool of her blood just in front of the house about 5:00 p.m. on Sunday. She had deep cuts on her forehead, shoulders, and other parts of her body. The husband was found with the blood-soaked machete he was believed to have used to commit the crime.

“The body was taken to a general hospital in Ijebu-Igbo, where she was certified dead by a doctor on duty. Her corpse has been deposited at the Alayangbe Private Mortuary in Oke-Agbo, Ijebu-Igbo, for the autopsy.

“We will move the case to the State Criminal Investigation Department in Abeokuta as soon as the preliminary investigation is concluded.”

Arguments and fights will come up in every relationship at some point, but when things are out of control, devastation ensues. And that is why it is crucial to look out for the red flags, recognize the signs of a toxic relationship (like power imbalance, gaslighting, and codependency), and find the strength to end it. Never take a life because you want to prove a point .

Live with Purpose, Love with Passion. Remember to be happy

One ❤️❤️❤️

Rose Ajieh

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