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Man Rapes His Daughter After He Is HIV Positive


Man Rapes His Daughter After He Is HIV Positive

A man who is HIV-positive attacked and raped his 18-year-old daughter after she refused his request to be intimate with her.

The teenager’s stepmother reported the crime, which led to the man’s arrest.

On June 12, a Harare court sentenced the man to an effective 20 years in prison for sexually abusing his 18-year-old daughter while knowing he was HIV positive.

Magistrate Donald Ndirowei condemned the man after prosecutor Shambadzeni Fungura demonstrated that on March 2 of this year, the man went to Epworth and informed his sister, who was staying with the daughter, that he wanted to take her home.

Fungura told the court that the man and his daughter boarded a commuter omnibus and exited near Coronation Avenue in Greendale, on the Harare-Mutare Highway, where he touched her private parts.

They later walked to a friend’s house, where he drank whisky before heading home with his child. Fungura also said in court that when at his residence, the man informed his daughter that he wanted to be s*xual with her, but she declined.

She stated that the daughter, observing her father’s inappropriate attitude, recorded the conversation on her mobile phone.

The court heard that the father, who was upset by his daughter’s rejection, beat her before raping her. The girl considered suicide, but her stepmother persuaded her to seek counselling.

The stepmother then reported to the teenager’s father.

In punishing the offender, Ndirowei praised the daughter’s stepmother, who reported the incident to the police after the girl sent her the footage.

He described the action as heinous, saying the man deserved to be punished since he emotionally harmed the teenage girl.

“The victim was seriously psychologically injured at the hands of her father that she even contemplated committing suicide. She only changed her mind after counselling was administered to her at Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals when her stepmom managed to convince her to take the sessions,” Ndirowei said.

He said the guy should be “crucified” for his act because the medical report given during trial proved that, despite knowing he was HIV positive, he raped his daughter.

“During the pre-sentencing hearing, it was revealed that the offender was HIV positive and was aware of his status.

“The victim fortunately received post-exposure prophylaxis (treatment) within 72 hours since she reported early and tested negative for the virus,” he said.

Despite the girl’s petition for her father to be condemned to life in prison, Ndirowei sentenced him to the presumptive penalty of 20 years.

A Gentle Reminder: Every obstacle is a stepping stone, every morning; a chance to go again, and those little steps take you closer to your dream.

Nnamdi Okoli

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