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Marriage Will Always Be An Achievement Says Jullie Cassie

Family & Relationship

Marriage Will Always Be An Achievement Says Jullie Cassie

Nigerian actress and hostess, Julie Cassie who considers herself to be the country’s greatest realist has a response for people who argue that marriage is not a significant accomplishment.

“Marriage is not an achievement? Are you joking? So, what’s an achievement? Your little iPhone I guess. Marriage will forever remain an achievement,” Cassie declares.

“Most people who say marriage is not an achievement are saying it from a place of pain or choice. Pain, because they have a bad experience with marriage or their partners.

“And choice because some people don’t just want to do the work that comes with marriage because definitely it is a whole lot of work. And I think it’s high time people started understanding that they can decide to get married and not be shamed for it. Especially African parents, they need to understand that this generation is happy to grow into single wrinkled old baddies in the nearest future.

“But marriage will forever remain an achievement. Just because your heart got broken or your faves heart got broken doesn’t make it less of an achievement. I mean you can decide to drop out of school, it doesn’t make graduating from school less of an achievement,” she added.

Marriage is a great feat and a greater accomplishment. Acquiring a human as a life partner is more valuable than acquiring a house .

Live with Purpose, Love with Passion. Remember to be happy

One ❤️❤️❤️

Rose Ajieh

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