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Mary Statue Begins ‘Shedding Tears Of Blood’ In Mexico


Mary Statue Begins ‘Shedding Tears Of Blood’ In Mexico

Church officials are investigating when a statue of the Virgin Mary appeared to start crying blood.

The unusual episode has caused havoc in Mexico, where the statue depicts Mary as Our Lady of Guadalupe, one of five visions she is supposed to have shown to a peasant named Juan Diego and his uncle Juan Bernardino in the 1500s.

The statue’s owners, a family from Morelia in the municipality of Obrera in the state of Michoacán, Mexico, notified Catholic officials on June 2 when it appeared to weep dark red tears from its eyes.

The statue’s actual location has not yet been made public, probably to preserve the family’s safety.

However, images of the monument show dark streaks running down its face, as if it were crying blood.

Local church officials have now advised attendees not to get carried away.

The Archdiocese of Morelia said in a statement: “It is necessary to highlight the need for caution when approaching an issue as delicate as that of an alleged miracle.”

They added: “The Archdiocese of Morelia is taking the necessary measures to investigate the situation deeply and exhaustively. Therefore, it is too early to issue a definitive position on the matter.

“This in no way confirms anything in this regard, which is why he asked to treat the issue with adequate discretion while inviting them to take advantage of this moment to motivate their own conversion and family prayer.

“It will be the ecclesiastical hierarchy itself that confirms the team that will carry out the detailed study of the case, so, as soon as there is any relevant report or conclusion, it will be made public knowledge.”

A Gentle Reminder: Every obstacle is a stepping stone, every morning; a chance to go again, and those little steps take you closer to your dream.

Nnamdi Okoli

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