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NAFDAC Speaks On Use Of Sniper; Chemicals To Preserve Food


NAFDAC Speaks On Use Of Sniper; Chemicals To Preserve Food

Mojisola Adeyeye, Director General of the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC), has advised Nigerians not to use chemicals to preserve food.

The health authorities described the harmful effects of dichlorvos (sniper), a pesticide that traders mostly use to prevent food from spoiling.

The statement read; “The misuse of dichlorvos poses significant risks to human health, manifesting in both short-term and long-term consequences.

“The long-term exposure can result in severe health implications, including developmental abnormalities in offspring, memory loss, reduced fertility, and potential carcinogenic effects.”

The statement further stated that it is unlawful to utilise specific chemicals for food preservation, according to Rametu Momodu, Director of Veterinary Medicine and Applied Products (VMAP).

Momodu was quoted saying; “Using certain chemicals, especially pesticides, to protect grains and prevent beans from having weevils is not an approved practice. There are approved pesticides for use as fumigants, which should be used according to the manufacturer’s specifications on the product label.”

She said that because these items have intrinsic risks to human health, they shouldn’t be used directly on food.

Momodu went on to say that consuming food tainted with poison may result in a coma and death in certain situations, as well as symptoms like vomiting, dizziness, breathing difficulties, tremors, and convulsions.

According to her, pesticide residues have a major negative impact on health once they are used and stay on or in food.

She continued, pointing out that the dangerous material would have already simmered into the meal and that cleaning it would not reverse the chemical consequences.

She emphasised that the organisation is unable to suggest washing as a fix because doing so creates a false sense of security.

A Gentle Reminder: Every obstacle is a stepping stone, every morning; a chance to go again, and those little steps take you closer to your dream.

Nnamdi Okoli

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