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“Never Compare Your Marriage To That Of Others” – Reno Omokri

Family & Relationship

“Never Compare Your Marriage To That Of Others” – Reno Omokri

Reno Omokri, a well-known media figure, recently gave married couples advice on the value of not comparing their relationship to anyone else’s.

He continued by saying that many well-known millionaires and politicians have been married before divorcing. The conclusion of these stories, he disclosed, is that while some men may know the key to success, it is difficult for anyone to genuinely know the key to a good marriage.

According to him, this is the reason why individuals shouldn’t look up to or compare their marriage to anyone else’s as you never know what goes on behind closed doors.

Personally I feel Reno is right on this….. In life, we are often guilty of unfairly comparing ourselves to others. The grass may seem greener when we’re looking with envious eyes at the things we think we’re lacking. But the truth is, you are uniquely you, and that is perfect!

You never know the real story behind the ‘reel’ life, because you only see the good things. If you compare your relationships with others, you are insulting your own. So, let go of comparison and bring in more appreciation.

Live with Purpose, Love with Passion. Remember to be happy

One ❤️❤️❤️

Rose Ajieh

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