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“Never Push For Another’s Man Downfall” – Yul Edochie


“Never Push For Another’s Man Downfall” – Yul Edochie

Actor Yul Edochie recently addressed his detractors and trolls on his Instagram page in addition to his fans and followers.

He disclosed that it is our duty as human beings to never advocate for the downfall of another person and to never say or do anything that would instigate another man’s downfall.

He also emphasized that it’s best to keep your lips shut if you can’t aid someone who is having problems. He also said that since karma is real, humans should learn to mind thier own business and refrain from passing judgment on other people’s lives.

In his words, he had this to say,

Never push for another man’s downfall.

Never say or do anything to instigate it.

If your fellow man has issues, if you can’t be of help, shut up.

You must not have an opinion in every one’s life.

Mind your business.

Cos karma is real.

What goes around comes around.

Your own breakfast might be served VERY COLD.

Never trust a person who talks bad about someone behind their back. I guarantee they do it to you too. A reminder to always speak kindly about others.

Live with Purpose, Love with Passion. Remember to be happy

One ❤️❤️❤️

Rose Ajieh

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