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Police ‘Accidentally’ Kills Two Youths In Ekiti State


Police ‘Accidentally’ Kills Two Youths In Ekiti State

Two people were killed by a stray gunshot fired from a police officer’s rifle in the Omisanjana district of Ado Ekiti. The victims, who were among the area’s adolescents, died tragically when police were seeking to capture a suspected internet fraudster.

A resident of the area who spoke to Leadership, said, “The fraudster had hit a bike man and the passenger while they were being pursued by the policemen who caused the accident. But the irate youths stopped them from arresting them. It was in that process the gun was shot and two people were killed.”

The police responded to the event in a statement written by DSP Sunday Abutu, the Public Relations Officer for the Ekiti State Command.

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“On 28/05/2024 at about 22:30hrs, a serious motor vehicle/motorcycle accident occurred involving a Lexus car and a Jincheng motorcycle along Omisanjana Area of Ado-Ekiti. The Command, upon the receipt of the information, deployed the State Traffic Section to the Scene to ensure there was no breakdown of law and order as well as to ensure the safety of the victims.

“On getting to the scene, the operatives met resistance as some irate youths disallowed them from performing their lawful duty and insisted on carrying out jungle justice. This necessitated a call for re-enforcement to assist the officers on the ground.

“However, in the process, one of the officers accidentally fired a shot that fatally injured two persons.

“The officer responsible for the shooting has been disarmed, arrested and detained and shall be made to face disciplinary action immediately.”

A Gentle Reminder: Every obstacle is a stepping stone, every morning; a chance to go again, and those little steps take you closer to your dream.

Nnamdi Okoli

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