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Reverend Sister And Four Others Arrested Over Kidnapping


Reverend Sister And Four Others Arrested Over Kidnapping

Men from the Abia State Police Command rescued three kidnapped children from Anambra and Delta states.

The command’s spokesman, ASP Maureen Chinaka, confirmed this incident to reporters in a statement issued on Saturday, June 15, saying the rescue mission resulted in the arrest of five individuals, including a Reverend Sister.

The statement reads: “On May 10, 2024, the Abia State Police Command received a report that three male children, namely: Gideon Osinachi (eight years old), Obioma Divine Osinachi (six years old), and Israel Osinachi (four years old), were abducted by an unknown cyclist from Amoba Okoro village in Ikwuanno LGA of Abia State.

“The children were taken away by the cyclist who was hired by their grandmother to take them to their home after the children had visited her.”

It also stated that Gideon was saved at Nkpor in Anambra State on May 23 W2, Obioma was later rescued at Ekwulobia in Anambra State on May 21, and Israel was reportedly rescued in Warri, Delta State, on June 13.

“We are happy to announce that all three children have been rescued and reunited with their families,” it added.

The statement further stated that four female suspects and one male suspect were taken into custody in relation to the crime during the May 10–June 13 investigation and rescue operation timeframe.

“The suspects were arrested variously at Amawbia and Nkpor in Anambra State, as well as Warri in Delta State. They include Reverend Sister Pauline Alozie (female), Chizoba DJ (female), Glory Umuna (female), Mrs. Georgina Nonye Okoye (female), and Philip Ibe (male). They are in custody and will be charged in court very soon.”Chinaka added.

A Gentle Reminder: Every obstacle is a stepping stone, every morning; a chance to go again, and those little steps take you closer to your dream.

Nnamdi Okoli

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