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Ruby Ojiakor,: “There Was No Intimacy Between Me And Junior Pope.”


Ruby Ojiakor,: “There Was No Intimacy Between Me And Junior Pope.”

Ruby Ojiakor, a well-known actress from Nigeria, has denied rumors that she had a romantic involvement with her coworker Junior Pope prior to his passing.

After Ruby persistently utilized her platform to demand justice for the actor who perished in a boat accident alongside several crew members, rumors started to circulate that Ruby was Junior Pope’s girlfriend.

Jennifer, the late actor’s wife, added fuel to the rumors when she unfollowed Ruby on Instagram soon after her husband’s funeral.

“Junior Pope was never my boyfriend. There’s no intimacy between myself and Junior Pope. We never dated. Junior Pope was never my intimate friend. He was just my friend. He was more than a friend. He was my big brother,” she said.

“I also see a lot of posts, some persons will just screenshot and send to me and say, ‘Look at what they’re saying, they said he [Junior Pope] is Royalty’s father.’ I just looked at it and I laughed. How can people reason this way? Please and please, Junior Pope is not Royalty’s father. He’s not my daughter’s father. I just want to clarify this.”

We live in a world with fake news being put out there. The truth is that you don’t really know what to believe .

Live with Purpose, Love with Passion. Remember to be happy

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Rose Ajieh

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