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Travis Scott Is Arrested For Alleged Disorderly Intoxication And Trespassing


Travis Scott Is Arrested For Alleged Disorderly Intoxication And Trespassing

United Rapper; Travis Scott has been taken into custody on charges of disorderly intoxication and trespassing.

A Thursday morning confrontation at the city’s harbor resulted in Travis Scott being taken into jail and brought to the Miami Beach Police Department.

The Miami Beach Police Department confirmed that the 33-year-old Texas man, whose real name is Jacques Webster, was arrested on June 20, 2024, at around 1.44 a.m., in a statement to the PA news agency.

“Mr. Webster was placed under arrest after an incident at 300 Alton Road, Miami Beach Marina.”

According to police records, the rapper was ranting at people aboard a yacht when the authorities were called to a disturbance there. Officers could “sense a strong smell of alcohol coming from the defendant’s breath,” according to the complaint/arrest document, and they warned him to leave the dock or face arrest.

He first cooperated with the authorities’ warnings to leave the property, but after five minutes, he came back and defied their orders not to return.

The record further noted that the defendant then acknowledged consuming alcohol and said, “It’s Miami.” We’ve contacted Scott’s agents to get their thoughts.

Celebrities should always be aware that how they present certain characteristics in public can have a big impact on their audience, either positively or negatively.

Gentle Reminder: Be careful how you use your authority and influence, be wise, and treat others with respect.

Chychy Jonas

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